Our Sponsor For Treatment

We are writing to thank you for your generous donation deposited online in the
website A/c of 'The Udhampur Rotary Eye &. General Welfare Foundation' to
support the surgical treatment of Sh. Mohinder Singh S/o Sh Isher Singh R/o Samba,
Age 87 years who is suffering from cataraet in both his eyes. He is successfully
operated in one eye and will also be operated in other eye later.
Economically this patient has not the capacity to afford his cataract surgical cost, But
there.are people like you in this earth who have such kind of sympathetic heart which
always remain ready to help anybody. Your,generous support has helped him to get
his eye operated and become able to see.
We at'The Udhampur Rotary Eye & General Welfare Foundation' onee agarn thank
you and appreciate this noble cause of gifting sight to blind person.